Feeding birds in the spring. Hummingbird

Feeding Birds This Spring

Feeding birds in your garden during spring can be a wonderful experience for both you and the birds. Not only does it provide the birds with necessary nutrients during a time of renewal and growth, but it also allows you to witness the beauty and diversity of your local avian population up close. In this article, we will explore what and how to feed birds in your garden during spring, so you can enjoy this unique and rewarding experience.

Why Feed Birds in Your Garden During Spring?

Feeding birds in your garden during spring can be an essential source of food for many birds who are beginning their breeding cycle or migrating back to their nesting grounds. It is especially crucial to provide birds with the necessary nutrients, as they need to build up their energy and resources for this time of the year. Many birds, such as robins, blue jays, and finches, rely on high-energy foods to fuel their breeding activity and to feed their young.

Types of Bird Food

There are many types of bird food that you can offer birds in your garden during spring. The most popular types include:

  • Seeds: Black oil sunflower seeds, millet, nyjer, and safflower are all high-energy seed options that are attractive to many bird species. Click Here for Bird Seed
  • Suet: Suet is a high-energy food that is made from animal fat and other ingredients. A tasty meal for birds. Buy Suet Balls on Amazon Here
  • Mealworms: Mealworms are a favorite food of many bird species, including bluebirds and robins. They are high in protein and can be served live or dried. Click Here For Mealworms Read More About Meal Worms Here…
  • Fruits: Apples, oranges, and grapes are all popular fruit options that can be offered to birds in your garden. They are high in vitamins and minerals and can attract a wide variety of bird species.

Feeder Placement

When it comes to feeding birds in your garden during spring, feeder placement is critical. You will want to place your feeder in a location that is easily accessible for birds but away from potential predators, such as cats. You may also want to consider placing your feeder near cover, such as shrubs or trees, so birds have a safe place to retreat to if they feel threatened.


It is essential to maintain your bird feeder and feeding area to ensure that it remains a safe and healthy environment for the birds. You will want to clean your feeder regularly to prevent the spread of disease and replace any spoiled or moldy food. You should also keep the area around your feeder clean to prevent the buildup of debris and waste.


Feeding birds in your garden during spring can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for both you and the birds. By providing birds with high-energy foods such as seeds, suet, mealworms, and fruits, you can help them build up their resources for breeding and nesting activities. Remember to place your feeder in a safe location and maintain it regularly to ensure that it remains a healthy and inviting environment for birds.

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